Saturday 5 June 2010


Here is a useful little site for those who can never quite work out time zones, (and for those who want to know what the weather is going to be like on the touchline).

Speaking from experience, travelling long haul to somewhere four hours behind UK time is not so bad. The flights we are taking are long enough that every gets some sleep because of sheer exhaustion. You arrive in the late evening and feel pretty tired but the excitement keeps you going. When you finally get to rest you get some quality kip and you wake up early raring to go while the locals are still away with the fairies. You might be a bit sleepy on the first and second evenings but will be fully adjusted by Day 3.

Coming back, well, who cares?

As to the weather, BA sits at 34 degrees South whereas London is at 51 degrees North so their July is not equivalent to our January, if you see what I mean, although they sit on the East coast of their continent and do not have a Gulf Stream to warm their waters up. I imagine that their Westerly winds are dry and their Easterlies wet, the reverse of ours. There is a 14 day forecast on the site showing 13-14 degrees Centigrade a fortnight from now. Average daytime highs in July are 15 Centigrade (UK January 5 C), average rainfall 95mm (UK 42mm). Sounds like luxury weather, at least for rugby supporters used to Newbury or Reading Abbey, but you might need a mac!

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