Wednesday 7 July 2010


The tour match shirt looks fab, doesn't it?

Sadly, Pam's and mine were ordered after the main batch and have not arrived. I think Martin Sanders is in the same boat. We think they will be with Hawkinsport tomorrow while we are flying. Missed them by hours. I am going to see how much it would cost to get them couriered out because I really want to wear the colours with pride and support the boys properly.

Snapped up the last fridge magnet and a tea towel plus collected speeches of Councillor Dudley and a an audio-cassette of Queen Street at 2am on a Saturday morning. That should give them a rounded impression of our town. The Maidenhead Heritage Centre knew who we were and exactly what we wanted when Leo and I walked in. I guess they have seen many of you over the last couple of weeks. Have we all bought fridge magnets and tea towels? Oh well.

Belatedly checked the electric plug standards and discovered that Argentina and Uruguay have different standards (see last post) and that I am not sure the universal adapters we have will cover either of them. No point in panicking now, it is too late, so going to take what we have and try them. If not, the first part of our Buenos Aires City Tour may be finding a shop with 50 travel adapters to sell! How else will the boys style their hair and the coaches recharge their iPods?

The waiting is almost over. Set the alarm for O Dark Thirty. Vamonos.

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