Wednesday 14 July 2010

St. Brendan's College B 7pts vs. MRFC U16s Pumas 72pts

Report by Bond.

You can only play what's in front of you. Maids continue with mixed sides - St. Brendan's field their second string. However this must not detract from a wonderful display of Barbarian style rugby from a rampant Maids outfit superbly led by Daniel Andrews-Jones.

The tone was set early on when Maids ran in two tries following straightforward lineout plays. Firstly Fred Reid making a fine break and then a fluent passing movement down the line resulted in Michael Anderson crossing.

Forwards dominated – tap penalty, Mark Hine drive, carried on by Chris Dow (showing a superb return to form and fitness) who offloaded for Callum Hull to score. In windy conditions Maids were unable to add the conversions.

St. Brendan's responded with spirit and after their first period of sustained pressure prop Pinto Lucas drove over in the corner and the fly half converted from wide out.

Now two fine pieces of skill led to DAJ adding two tries before half time. First was a trademark break; the second followed a marvellous run from Chris Dow. Scott Anderson added both conversions.

A 29-7 half time lead would normally mean a second half of showboating and white line fever. However on this occasion Maids just took their game to new heights, running in seven more tries with wonderful handling, superb offloads and excellent decision-making.

DAJ completed his hat trick following a fluid handling movement from the forwards with Cam Avery and Mark Hine showing superb skills.

Both Fred Reid and Michael Anderson scored deserved seconds and there were tries for Ed Kaye from a blind side break and Cal O'Flaherty from a Number 8 pickup. However the highlight was a 20 metre dash to line from Mark Hine, urged on by his team-mates. Mark converted his own try obviously under the impression that the points only count if you hit both posts and the crossbar.

Will Thompson and Scott Atherton also added second half conversions and there was also time for Josh Edney to add his own try to a fine second half performance.

A committed, vocal, wonderful team performance.

Squad: Avery C, Keir, Hine, Baxter (VC), Evans, Hull, Kaye, Dow, Crn, Thompson, Anderson, Reid, Andrews-Jones (Capt.), McCarthy, Atherton, Edney, O'Flaherty, Jones, Thomas

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your great reports and news Graeme. Really feel that we are being kept in touch with the tour and the boys. Great to hear that the boys are playing well(Chris Dow back to fitness has to be a bonus) and enjoying the whole experience. Well done to all!!!!
