Monday 19 July 2010


This may be the last post before we leave Argentina. I seriously underestimated how much time it would take to do this blog, and wildly over-estimated how much spare time there would be to do it. I still have two epic match reports to write, and a couple of days diary blog. They will be done, but probably not before we return to England.

And we want you to be there when we return. If you possibly can, please be there at Heathrow Terminal 3 to meet our Iberia flight from Madrid at about 6 o'clock on Tuesday. We want you to see your son arrive as someone new. He's the one a little taller than a couple of weeks ago, a little broader in the shoulder and deeper in the chest. He's the one with more and closer comrades, with a new way of greeting those in the know. He's the one, they all are, a little bit more of what he will be.


  1. You get me all emotional every time Graeme!! You should think about a change of career! Georgia and I will be there - wouldn't miss it for the world!

    Thank you so much for all the blogs - it's been really hard not being there and they have been a real lifeline.

    Safe journey xx

  2. Yes, it's been really great.Thank you very much Graeme.

  3. Thanks so much Graeme. Really looking forward to seeing them tomorrow after such an epic trip. Have a good journey

  4. my comments are very much the same as Julie's, except I won't see you at the airport, I'm sending Lee. It has been really great to be able to keep up with the tour and we couldn't have done that without your tireless efforts Graeme. Lee and I would like to buy you a bottle of something, so let us know what you would prefer. Congratulations to all concerned for what appears to have been a very successful tour. XX
