Tuesday 20 July 2010


Final amendments to the Tour Itinerary have been made, an important change to the day ten blog, and day eleven is now published. The final two match reports are up.

There will be a brief day twelve/thirteen blog and there will be a couple of other items over the next week or so. Check back Sunday latest. After that I am going to wrap it up.

In the meantime may I just thank everyone for the kind things they have said about this blog. I have been really touched. I did it because I wanted to and have enjoyed it immensely, and because I can imagine what it would have been like to be unable to join the tour in person. All of you were involved - they also serve who only wash the kit, pay the subs, drive from place to place, buy the boots, pack the bags and check for gumshields at the last minute. And put up with the endless conversations about rugby. Thanks for reading.


  1. Greame, thank you for the regular updates. I can now delete the blog from my favourites?The washing machine is working over time again; to be followed with lots of ironing. Thank you to all involved, LD had a great time!

  2. Even though they are home the routine is still there, cup of tea in hand, verging on being late for work again, click those favorites and here i am again......
    Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put in keeping us in touch. A big thanks to the whole team, it sounds like a great time was had by all.

  3. I've printed off the whole blog so far as I think it will be a great memento of the fabulous tour. Thanks so much again

  4. A HUGE thankyou to you Graeme for your enthusiasm, wit and effort putting this blog together and being the link between tour and home so fully appreciated. We sat around the kitchen table last night listening to the boys and you really captured the feel of this tour.
    Rest up over the summer.......U17s are just around the corner.
