Saturday 10 July 2010


Yes, I know it is supposed to be in chronological order but time is an illusion.

40 minutes from the airport to the hotel in a big coach for the boys and a little one for the grownups. Nerds like me will be interested to know that we went North on the Autopista Veinte Cinco de Mayo (they say “May-Jo” here not “My-oh”; then turned off past the Congress Building and the statue of San Martin down the Avenida Corrientes until we got the the hotel in Calle Parana. Getting into downtown about 11pm and the streets were busy with strollers, cafes and restaurants doing good trade. Sweater weather – about 14 degrees – and the locals in scarves. Loads of streetlights were visible from the air but at groundlevel the streets are somehow duller. Passed a group of kids maybe 8-12 years old under a flyover making Michael Jackson-type obscene gestures; amusing from an air conditioned coach but a reminder that street-life here is a long way from the Royal Borough. Arrived safely at the Mayflower Suites Hotel and eventually got everyone checked in. A couple of lightweights went straight to bed but the rest split between MacDonald's, Burger King and a pizzeria. Yes, the boys flew 7,000 miles to another continent, and went for BK and M.

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